Showing 1–12 of 40 results


Simple Nokia smartphone design type with HTML5, CSS3 and little JavaScript.


Submit HTML post with a live editor along with Ajax Gallery #DEMO:


Get started with eCommerce website development from scratch with my new basic eCommerce development script


Getting paystack payment verification integration is one of the best idea to accept payment in an e-commerce website.

Result Management System

This is suitable for : - School / College - Students batch - Coaching Center / Academy - Education Center What's new in V2.5? - Added Teachers Account 👩‍🦳 - Increase…


💥 Fwitter app now uses both firebase realtime and firestore database.💥 In branch firetore Fwitter uses Firestore database for app. In branch Master and realtime_db Fwitter uses Firebase Realtime database…


Live Demo: Features Laravel 8.0: Back-end server framwork. React 16: Front-end framework. Redux 4: React state management. Boostrap 4: Front-end UI kit. React Router v4: Declerative routing. redux-thunk: async…


Getting Paystack payment verification integration is one of the best ideas to accept payment on an e-commerce website.


Get started with Monnify Payment Gateway for your e-commerce website with an instant Payment Integration.


Easily integrate Monnify PayMent in Python Django Business Website  


Thinking of a way to verify your bank bvn with PHP simply download this source code


Simple PHP blog with the ability to create, delete, update and edit post content with PHP and MSQLI Demo: